Wednesday, September 12, 2012


         Today I was reminded of Bignell when the text of the "Cheers" logo appeared on my television screen. As I settled down to watch some vintage television I wondered if the experience would now be changed due to a current hyper-awareness of the constant bombardment of semiotics. This new found way of examining media also brought a new question to mind: How does time affect the intended coding of media?

It's obvious when something feels dated in media, whether through outdated semantics in language, varying audio/visual qualities, or blatant reference to cultures past. (Which made me think of how long it takes a culture to evolve... I submit that small pieces of the cultural mindset change and eventually a new cultural landscape is created rather than rapid whole shifts)

Bignell references how there are warmer colors (like red and yellow) and colder colors (darker colors like black and blue). These colors are said to contain particular information for an audience with regard to the mood of the media, however I am skeptical as to when it was decided that these colors have their said codings. Was it a scientific discovery? Is it culturally specific?

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